Language: Japanese
From indoors to the forest, this book describes 100 common Japanese spiders, with photos on a white background to help in identification and life-size photographs to help you find them in the field. Both males and females are pictured. These spiders can be observed in any place, and the accessible text makes their lifestyle easily understandable. Describing their unique ecology and answering simple questions in a Q&A format, even beginners will be able to enjoy observing spiders with this guide.
Summary in Japanese:
家の中から林まで、身近な場所にいる基本のクモを100種選び、識別に役立つ白バック写真を雌雄で揃えて掲載(野外で探すときに役立つ原寸大写真も あり)。どんな場所で観察できるか、どのような暮らしぶりかをわかりやすく解説。ユニークな生態や素朴な疑問について答えるコラムなど、初心者からクモの 観察を楽しめる本。