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Marine Molluscs of French Polynesia / Mollusques Marins de Polynésie Française

Flora / Fauna Out of Print
By: Michel Boutet(Author), Robert Gourguet(Author), Jean Letourneux(Author), Nabila Gaertner-Mazouni(Contributor)
766 pages, colour & b/w photos, colour & b/w illustrations
Publisher: Au Vent Des Iles
Marine Molluscs of French Polynesia / Mollusques Marins de Polynésie Française
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  • Marine Molluscs of French Polynesia / Mollusques Marins de Polynésie Française ISBN: 9782367342467 Hardback Dec 2020 Out of Print #254661
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About this book

Language: Bilingual in English and French

This 768-page bilingual French/English work is the result of several years of surveying and research by the authors. With more than 3,000 named species listed, of which 2,540 are illustrated, it presents most marine molluscs observed to date in the immense region of the central South Pacific, an area is as large as Europe.

All of this has been made possible thanks to the network that the authors have built up over the years with scientists and malacologists from all over the world and the continued support of the National Museum of Natural History in Paris (NMNH). Nabila Gaertner-Mazouni, Professor of Marine Ecology and Vice-President of the University of French Polynesia (UPF) in charge of research, also contributed her expertise along with other scientists, namely B. Salvat, L. Montaggioni, J.-C. Gaertner and Philippe Bouchet, professor at the NMNH and head of the "La Planète Revisitée" expedition programme.

Summary in French:
Cet ouvrage bilingue français/anglais de 768 pages est le fruit de plusieurs années de prospection et de recherches pour les auteurs. Avec plus de 3 000 espèces recensées, dont 2 540 figurées, il présente la plus grande partie des mollusques marins observés à ce jour dans cette immense région du Pacifique sud central dont la surface maritime est aussi vaste que l’Europe.

Il a été rendu possible grâce au réseau que les auteurs ont tissé au fil des ans avec des scientifiques et malacologues du monde entier et au soutien continu du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle de Paris (MNHN). Nabila Gaertner-Mazouni, professeure en écologie marine et vice-présidente de l’université de Polynésie française (UPF) en charge de la recherche, a également apporté son expertise ainsi que d’autres scientifiques reconnus ; B. Salvat , L. Montaggioni, J.-C. Gaertner et enfin Philippe Bouchet, professeur au MNHN et responsable du programme d’expéditions « La Planète revisitée ».

Customer Reviews


Michel Boutet lives in Tahiti since 1974. He is a former correspondent of the French Conchologist Association (AFC) and former curator of the Papara Shell Museum (Tahiti). Robert Gourguet first came to Tahiti in 1963, settling there definitively that same year. He is a member of the French Conchologist Association (AFC). Jean Letourneux has lived in Tahiti since 1963. He is a member of the Society of Oceanic studies (SEO) and an affiliate member of the Royal Belgian Malacological Society (SRBM).

Flora / Fauna Out of Print
By: Michel Boutet(Author), Robert Gourguet(Author), Jean Letourneux(Author), Nabila Gaertner-Mazouni(Contributor)
766 pages, colour & b/w photos, colour & b/w illustrations
Publisher: Au Vent Des Iles
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