Matrix Population Models, Second Edition includes expanded treatment of stochastic and density-dependent models, sensitivity analysis, and statistical inference, and new chapters on parameter estimation, structured population models, demographic sto-chasticity, and applications of matrix models in conservation biology. Matrix Population Models is an indispensable reference for graduate students and researchers in ecology, population biology, conservation biology, and human demography.
Age-classified matrix models; stage-classified life cycles; stage-classified matrix models; structured population models; analysis of the life-cycle graph; sensitivity analysis and evolutionary demography; statistical inference about matrix-models; deterministic time-varying models; stochastic time-varying models; demographic stochasticity; density-dependent models; two-sex models; matrix population models in conservatism and management. Appendix: The basics of matrix algebra.
"an excellent reference for all those interested in the application of matrix population models in the biological sciences."
- Mathematical Population Studies.