Language: Chinese with scientific nomenclature
This volume of Palaeovertebrata Sinica is the first of two to deal with fossil rodents and covers of 312 species, 161 genera, 19 families, three sub-orders, and several indeterminate suborders. The book provides the definition and geological history of taxa above the family level and their geographical distribution, and gives an overview of the research history, current situation and existing problems. It provides detailed information on the identification characteristics and temporal and spatial distribution of each genus and species, and provides detailed descriptions of the type specimens, origins and horizons of each named species. Due to the many academic controversies in recent years and the rapid progress of molecular biology, it is difficult to deal with the arrangement at the level of families and above. Because of this, the hierarchical arrangement of "suborder position uncertain" and "rodenta (taxonomic position unknown)" appears in many places in the book. This may be different from the traditional classification method, but it just shows the current research status and progress. There are 336 photos and illustrations in the book.
Summary in Chinese:
Palaeovertebrata Sinica, Volume 3: Basal Synapsids and Mammals, Fascicle 5(1) (Serial no. 18(1)): Glires II: Rodentia I本册志书为啮齿目(I),包括了2017年以前在中国(台湾资料暂缺)发现的除鼠超科(Muroidea)外的所有啮齿类动物化石,共计有3个亚目和数个亚目不定的19科161属312种。《中国古脊椎动物志 第三卷 基干下孔类 哺乳类 第五册(上)(总第十八册上)啮型类II:啮齿目I》对每个属、种的鉴别特征、产地和层位都由有关编者做了详实的考证和记述。但对科级及以上阶元的安排,由于近年来学术争议颇多,加之分子生物学的飞跃进展,使得在处置上有一定的困难。志书遵从了每位编者在把有关高阶元的研究现状做出全面的评析后,依作者本人的意见来确定其分类位置。因之书中多处出现了“亚目位置不确定”“啮齿目(分类位置不明)”的阶元安排。这或许与传统的分类办法有所不同,但恰恰展示出当今的研究现状和进展。书中附有336张照片及插图。