Pesticide Regulation and the Endangered Species Act addresses the confluence of two great streams of environmental protection and regulation, both geographically situated within a continent of abundant natural resources, incredible biodiversity, and advanced agricultural production technologies. One stream concerns the regulation of pesticides for environmental protection within a risk-benefit paradigm grounded in the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) of 1947. The other stream concerns the protection of species that are endangered or threatened with extinction as well as preservation of the ecosystems on which they depend. This stream springs from provisions of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, which requires each federal agency to ensure that any action it takes is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any endangered species or threatened species. Achieving a harmonious, practical convergence of these streams of environmental protection and regulation has proven devilishly difficult during the past four decades. Both FIFRA and ESA regulations provide a strong basis for environmental protections based on scientific assessment, but they were not constructed in a complementary manner which would provide for ready interface. The basis of Pesticide Regulation and the Endangered Species Act is an emerging spirit of cooperation, increasing commitment to constructive dialogue, and solutions-oriented focus among the key stakeholders. There is a genuine desire on the part of key decision-makers to identify and implement both scientific and process improvements to resolve current areas of impasse.
Introduction and Background
1. Pesticide Regulation and Endangered Species: Moving from Stalemate to Solutions
Kenneth D. Racke and Bernalyn D. McGaughey
Policy and Process Considerations
2. Federal Agency Perspectives on ESA Process, Issues, and Potential Improvements
Angela Somma, Rick Sayers, and Don Brady
3. The Endangered Species Act: Interfacing with Agricultural and Natural Ecosystems
Bernalyn D. McGaughey, Lars W. J. Anderson, and Michael J. Bodenchuk
4. Growers, Pesticides, and Endangered Species: Outcomes of a Stakeholder Workshop
Daniel Botts
5. Improving the Endangered Species Act Pesticide Consultation Process
Ya-Wei Li
6. State Pesticide Regulatory Agency Role in Effective ESA Implementation
Max Feken and Jessica Johnson
7. California Pesticide Use Data and Endangered Species
Larry R. Wilhoit
Case Studies: Registration and Registration Review
8. Cranberry Pest Management and Karner Blue Butterfly Protection: A Wisconsin Case Study
Kenneth D. Racke
9. Endangered Species Assessments Conducted Under Registration Review: Fomesafen Case Study
Dan Campbell, Jay Overmyer, JiSu Bang, Jeff Perine, and Richard Brain
10. FIFRA Registration Review and the Endangered Species Act: Clomazone Case Study
Ashlea Rives Frank, Bernalyn D. McGaughey, John Cummings, Stephen Longacre, and Gary Mitchell
Case Studies: Endangered Salmon Assessments
11. Use of Simple Stream Modeling Methods To Assess the Potential Risks of Malathion to Salmonids
Richard Reiss
12. Use of the Joint Probability Distribution Analysis for Assessment of the Potential Risks of Dimethoate to Aquatic Endangered Species
Qingli Ma, Richard Reiss, Clifford Habig, and Paul Whatling
13. A GIS-Based Approach To Quantifying Pesticide Use Site Proximity to Salmonid Habitat
Michael Winchell, JiSu Bang, Barbara Patterson, Katie Budreski, Richard Brain, and Steven Wall
14. Ecological Risk Assessment for Salmon Using Spatially and Temporally Explicit Exposure Modeling: Moving Forward
Mark Teply, Steven Cramer, and Nicholas Poletika
Scientific Assessment Advances
15. Advancements in Endangered Species Act Affects Determination for Pesticide Registration Actions
Edward W. Odenkirchen
16. Data Quality, Reliability, and Relevance Standards for Ecological Risk Assessment: Recommendations for Improvements to Pesticide Regulation in Compliance with the Endangered Species Act
A. Tilghman Hall, Bernalyn D. McGaughey, and James A. Gagne
17. A Causal/Risk Analysis Framework for Informing Endangered Species Jeopardy Reviews for Pesticides
Nicholas W. Gard and Charles A. Menzie
18. Demography and Modeling To Improve Pesticide Risk Assessment of Endangered Species
John D. Stark
19. Consideration of Nontraditional Endpoints in the Assessment of Ecological Risk under the Endangered Species Act
Nancy H. Golden, George E. Noguchi, Keith A. Paul, and Daniel J. Buford
20. Utilizing At-Risk Species Data To Sustain Biodiversity and Streamline Decision Making
Shara Howie and Leslie Honey
21. Using GIS To Assess Pesticide Exposure to Threatened and Endangered Species for Ecological Risk Assessment
James L. Cowles, Kelly McLain, Perry L. Beale, and Kirk V. Cook
22. Development of a Spatial-Temporal Co-occurrence Index To Evaluate Relative Pesticide Risks to Threatened and Endangered Species
Cornelis G. Hoogeweg, Debra L. Denton, Rich Breuer, W. Martin Williams, and Patti TenBrook
23. Use of Risk-Based Spray Drift Buffers for Protection of Nontarget Areas
Scott H. Jackson, Mark Ledson, and Michael Leggett
Conclusions and Recommendations
24. Recommendations for Improvements to Pesticide Regulation in Compliance with the Endangered Species Act
Bernalyn D. McGaughey, A. Tilghman Hall, and Kenneth D. Racke
Editors' Biographies
Author Index
Subject Index
Kenneth Racke is affiliated with DOW AgroSciences. Bernalyn McGaughey is affilated with Compliance Services International. James Cowles is affiliated with the Washington Department of Agriculture. Tilghman Hall is affiliated with Bayer CropScience. Jeffrey Jenkins is affiliated with Oregon State University. Scott H. Jackson is affiliated with BASF-Stewardship and Strategy. John J. Johnston is affiliated with the USDA, Food Safety and Inspection Service.