Language: Spanish
This is the second volume of an intended trilogy of photo guides to the grasshoppers inhabiting Northwest South America. Dozens of species of common and not so easily found, dazzling and cryptic grasshoppers and katydids either living in the suburbia of tropical cities or in the most remote areas of the rain forest jump at you from these pages, with notes on their identification and biology. The author has aimed not for completeness, but for illustration of the most easily encountered groups.
Summary in Spanish:
El segundo volumen de una trilogía de guías fotográficas para los saltamontes de Colombia. Más de cien especies de "grillos", coloridas y miméticas, comunes y difíciles de ver, tanto de los suburbios de las grandes ciudades como de remotas áreas de las selvas de Colombia, saltan a la vista en estas páginas, con interesantes textos sobre su identificación e historia natural.