In a mythical world where time is a liquid that falls as rain upon the land, young Shanleya paddles her canoe out to the "Tree Islands" to learn the plant traditions of her people. Each island is home to a separate family of plants and an unforgettable Guardian with lessons to teach about the identification and uses of those plants. Shanleya's Quest is a truly unique educational book that presents botanical concepts and plant identification skills in an easy and fun metaphorical format for children as well as for adults who are young at heart.
Thomas Elpel's passion for the natural world started at a young age when he explored southwestern Montana with his grandmother, learning about edible and medicinal plants. He has become a widely recognized expert in wilderness survival, botany, and foraging. He founded Outdoor Wilderness Living School, LLC (OWLS) in Pony, Montana, where he teaches Stone Age survival skills to kids. He teaches adult classes on wilderness skills and sustainable living through his Green University, LLC. Tom teaches and writes to promote a closer and more interactive connection with the natural world.