Language: Chinese with scientific nomenclature
This book provides the Chinese name, scientific name, synonyms and distribution information for 2986 species of 474 genera of 61 families of angiosperms in China (not including subspecies), of which 1343 species (45%) are endemic to China and 266 species (8.9%) are exotic species. This sixth volume of the angiosperms covers the families Elatinaceae to Ancistrocladaceae.
Summary in Chinese:
《中国生物物种名录(第一卷):植物 种子植物(5)沟繁缕科-钩枝藤科》收录了中国被子植物共61科474属2986种(不含种下等级),其中1343种(44.98%)为中国特有,266种(8.91%)为外来植物。每一种的内容包括中文名、学名和异名及原始发表文献、国内外分布等信息。《中国生物物种名录(第一卷):植物·种子植物(5)·沟繁缕科-钩枝藤科》可作为中国植物分类系统学和多样性研究的基础资料,也可作为环境保护、林业、医学等从业人员及高等院校师生的参考书。