Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Sustainable Energy Production and Consumption and Environmental Costing, Naples, Italy, 4-7 July 2007
The book, like the meeting itself, deals with very crucial aspects of the energy/environmental/social problem such as energy and economic growth, integrated analysis of societal and ecosystem metabolism, status, development and use of renewable energy sources at regional level, and zero emission production patterns in agriculture, industry and the energy sectors. The authors treat in depth all the aspects linked to evaluation methods, multidisciplinary integration of approaches, economic problems of energy use, competition of bioenergy with food production and environmental protection, peak oil and strategies to deal with, trade and societal metabolism. The close interrelationship of these topics emerges very clearly. So much so that the presentations definitely help to place the individual projects and research activities within a larger societal and environmental frame for increased sustainability. Special focus is placed on the fact that increase of renewables, diversification of sources, and decentralization of energy production and use are capable of increasing energy security and environmental integrity.
Preface. Energy And Economic Growth; R. Ayres.- Win-Win Strategies for Tackling Oil and Natural Gas Constraints while Expanding Renewable Energy Use; M. Jefferson.- After the Fossil Fuel Era; L. Sertorio.- Biomass or Biomess? The promises and Limits of Bioenergy; J. Spangenberg.- Cost and Environmental Effectiveness of Climate Change Mitigation Measures; N. Markoska et al.- Sustainable Environmental Management in Croatia - Waste and Climate Change; D. Schneider.- Studying the "addiction to oil" of developed societies using the Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal Metabolism (MSIASM); M. Giampietro.- Systemic Economic Instruments for a Energy Climate and Global Security; J. Greyson.- Sustainability and Economic Feasibility of Combinations of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Fossil Fuels for Production of Heat and Electricity; K. Popovski and S. Popovska Vasilevska.- Third Party Financing New Financial Tools for Energy Efficiency -- An International Perspective; C. Ferrari.- Vital Problems of Human Development, Indicators and Eco-Centric Solutions; A. Gorobets Lifestyles, Energy, and Sustainability: the Exploration of Constraints; I. Matutinovie.- Approaches to Sustainable Energy Consumption Patterns; D. Krajnc et al.- Energy, Environment and Security in Eastern Europe; Oleg Udovyk.- Capacity Building for Sustainable Energy Access in the Sahel/Sahara Region - Wind Energy as Catalyst for Regional Development; K. Benhamou.- Bio-diesel and Hydrogen in Croatia -- Challenge and Necessity; A. Krstulovie and F. Barbir.- Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research for Future Markets; H.-J. Neef.- Hydrogen Production from Biomass; M. Al-Alawi.- PV Large Scale Rural Electrification Programs and the Development of Desert Regions; S. Labed.- Life Cycle Impacts and Total Costs of Present and Future Photovoltaic Systems: State-of-the Art and Future Outlook of a Strategic Technology Option for a Sustainable Energy System; M. Raugei and P. Frankl.- Integrated Systems and Zero Emission Production Patterns in Agriculture, Industry and the Energy Sector -- Why Green Is Not Enough; S. Ulgiati et al.- Biorefinery: Biomaterials and Bioenergy from Photosynthesis -- I within Zero Emission Framework; J. Gravitis.- GIS (Geographical Information Systems), Energy and Emergy Analyses for Proper Use of Local Energy Resources; P.P. Franzese et al.- Energy Use and CO2 Emissions From Fuel Combustion in the OECD and Non-OECD Countries: Trends Based on Decomposition Analysis; M. Pihlajamaki et al.- Carbon Management for Secure Communities; N. Mortimer. Author Index. Subject Index.