Pollution annually kills hundreds of thousands of people. In a brilliant, disturbing, yet readable book, Shrader-Frechette shows why this environmental epidemic continues. Campaign contributors, lobbyists, and special interests often control information by capturing media and even science itself. Yet Shrader-Frechette puts the blame - and the solution - on the shoulders of ordinary citizens. Calling for a new "democratic revolution." Arguing that justice requires us each to become he change we seek, she offers many concrete proposals for reform - many based on American Public Health Association recommendations.
one of the most powerful academic books I have read and heard of. It is philosophically sound and coherent, but if this was all I said about it, I am not sure Shrader-Frechette would regard it as a compliment. She wants more than that. She hopes her book will inspire the readers to act. "Philosophically sound and coherent" is just not enough ... if all that is going to happen to the reader when he or she reads the book is just thinking "Oh my God, this is awful", then the reader has missed something. After reading Taking Action, Saving Lives, one should take action and save lives. Hopefully, you will not be the same person you were before reading it. Avner de Shalit, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in Political Studies Review