Language: Japanese
Does it have a fixed number of spots? What does it eat? Is it the same ladybug with different appearances? Are they similar but different insects? Do they like to stand out? Who are their natural enemies? How many species are there in Japan? This is an unknown species of ladybug! Ladybugs are found all over the world and this book compiles all sorts of interesting things the author has found out putting together his insect collections.
Summary in Japanese:
星の数は決まってるの? 食べ物は何? 違う姿で同じテントウ?似ているけど違う虫? 目立ちたがり屋? 天敵はだれ? 日本には何種類いるの? これ外来種テントウ! テントウムシは世界中にいるんだって! 調べていくと、いろいろ興味が尽きません!