More than half of the European Ennominae, a total of 181 species, plus 21 new species for the European fauna are covered in two hardback parts (with text and plates in separate volumes), including difficult genera such as Charissa, Psodos, Sciadia, Nychiodes, Selidosema, Peribatodes, and the Tephronia complex. Four new species are described, and a total of 1116 specimens are illustrated in 30 colour plates. Furthermore, for each species is included a systematic text, distribution map, male and female genitalia. Genetic data from DNA barcoding is provided for nearly all species. Numerous text figures show diagnostic characters and other morphological structures. Also included are new synonymies, status revisions, new combinations and numerous new distribution data. Finally, a systematic catalogue of all European Geometridae and the adjacent regions of North Africa, Macaronesia, Turkey and Middle East is included.
"[...] The authors have produced another excellent and informative volume which is recommended to anyone with an interest in Europe's Geometridae. Axel Hausmann, and all who have participated in this monograph series, are to be congratulated in completing these volumes in a relatively short period of time and for producing such a clearly laid out and informative foundation for the future. [...]"
– Mark Parsons, Atropos 65, March 2020
"[…] the scientific quality of the book, as well as its detailed edition, makes us strongly recommend it to all those interested in Geometridae, which we know are many and with the appearance of this series, there is no doubt that it will contribute to increase the number of scholars on such an interesting family." [translated from Spanish]
– A. Vives Moreno, in SHILAP Revta. lepid., 48 (190) junio 2020: 298