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Study of the intimate relationship between the inanimate environment and living organisms, arguing that the evolution of both has been interactive and interdependent.
1. The development of man's ideas concerning nature; 2. Order in chemical systems: Elements and their combinations; 3. The balance between order and disorder; 4. Phase equilibria; 5. Equilibria in dilute solutions in water; 6. Limited phases, fields and compartments; 7. Evolution of kinetic control and of organisation; 8. The evolution of inorganic chemicals on Earth; 9. The evolution of organic compounds; 10. Early biological chemistry: The uptake and incorporation of elements in anaerobic organisms; 11. Early cellular organisation in anaerobes; 12. The structure and chemistry of organisms after the advent of dioxygen; 13. Organisation in advanced organisms; 14. Man's selection of the chemical elements; 15. Element cycles and their evolution; 16. The evolving natural selection of the chemical elements and the senses; Index
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