Readers familiar with the first three editions of Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates (edited by J.H. Thorp and A.P. Covich) will welcome the comprehensive revision and expansion of that trusted professional reference manual and educational textbook from a single North American tome into a developing multi-volume series covering inland water invertebrates of the world. The series entitled Thorp and Covich's Freshwater Invertebrates (edited by J.H. Thorp) begins with the current Volume I: Ecology and General Biology (edited by J.H. Thorp and D.C. Rogers), which is designed as a companion volume for the remaining books in the series. Those following volumes provide taxonomic coverage for specific zoogeographic regions of the world, starting with Keys to Nearctic Fauna (Vol. II) and Keys to Palaearctic Fauna (Vol. III).
Volume I maintains the ecological and general biological focus of the previous editions but now expands coverage globally in all chapters, includes more taxonomic groups (e.g., chapters on individual insect orders), and covers additional functional topics such as invasive species, economic impacts, and functional ecology. As in previous editions, the 4th edition of Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates is designed for use by professionals in universities, government agencies, and private companies as well as by undergraduate and graduate students.
1. Introduction to Invertebrates of Inland Waters
2. Overview of Inland Water Habitats
3. Collection and Culturing Techniques
4. Functional Relationships of Freshwater Invertebrates
5. Ecology of Invasive Alien Invertebrates
6. Economic Aspects of Freshwater Invertebrates
7. Free-Living Protozoa
8. Phylum Porifera
9. Phylum Cnidaria
10. Phylum Platyhelminthes
11. Phylum Nemertea
12. Phylum Gastrotricha
13. Phylum Rotifera
14. Phylum Nematoda
15. Phylum Nematomorpha
16. Phyla Ectoprocta and Entoprocta (Bryozoans)
17. Phylum Tardigrada
18. Introduction to Mollusca and the Class Gastropoda
19. Class Bivalvia
20. Introduction to Annelida and the Class Polychaeta
21. Class Clitellata: Oligochaeta
22. Class Clitellata: Branchiobdellida
23. Class Clitellata: Hirudinida and Acanthobdellida
24. Introduction to the Phylum Arthropoda
25. Subphylum Chelicerata, Class Arachnida
26. Subphylum Myriapoda, Class Diplopoda
27. Introduction to “Crustacea”
28. Class Branchiopoda
29. Class Maxillopoda
30. Class Ostracoda
31. Class Malacostraca, Superorders Peracarida and Syncarida
32. Class Malacostraca, Order Decapoda
33. Hexapoda – Introduction to Insects and Collembola
34. Order Ephemeroptera
35. Order Odonata
36. Order Plecoptera
37. Order Hemiptera
38. Order Trichoptera
39. Order Coleoptera
40. Order Diptera
41. Minor Insect Orders
Christopher Rogers is currently Senior Invertebrate Ecologist/Taxonomist for EcoAnalysts Inc. and is manager of their California office. He performs rare, threatened and endangered invertebrate species surveys, quantitative bioassessment using macroinvertebrates as a measure of habitat quality and function in relation to ecological studies, as well as impact assessment and restoration monitoring, typically focusing on temporary aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Christopher is a specialist in freshwater Crustacea and has field experience all over the world. He is a member of the International Union of Conservation and Nature (IUCN) Species Survival Commission, Invertebrate Conservation Steering Committee and the Inland Waters Crustacean Specialist Group. Christopher is recognized as a world authority on fairy shrimp, tadpole shrimp and clam shrimp, and has worked with the rare, threatened and endangered species in the USA, Brazil, and Australia. As a taxonomist, he has discovered and described more than 20 species new to science, as well as three new genera, and two new subfamilies. Christopher has more than 30 publications on taxonomy and ecology of crustaceans.