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Academic & Professional Books  Insects & other Invertebrates  Insects  Bees, Ants & Wasps (Hymenoptera)

What Do Bees Think About?

By: Mathieu Lihoreau(Author), Alison Duncan(Translated by)
158 pages, no illustrations
What Do Bees Think About?
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  • What Do Bees Think About? ISBN: 9781421448589 Paperback Jul 2024 In stock
Price: £17.99
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About this book

Have you ever observed a bee up close and wondered what was going on inside its head? Like ours, insects' brains take up most of the space in their heads, but their brains are smaller than a grain of rice, only 0.0002% as large as ours. But what purpose does the insect brain serve, and how does that drive their creativity, morality, and emotions?

Bees in particular exhibit unexpected and fascinating cognitive skills. In What Do Bees Think About? animal cognition researcher Mathieu Lihoreau examines a century of research into insect evolution and behaviour. He explains recent scientific discoveries, recounts researchers' anecdotes, and reflects on the cognition of these fascinating creatures. Lihoreau's and others scientist's research on insects reinforces the importance of protecting and preserving insects such as bees: after all, our survival on the planet is deeply dependent on theirs. This book provides an eye-opening window into the world of insect cognition and echoes an important ecological message about bees – they are intelligent creatures sharing the same fragile ecosystem as us.

Originally published in French in 2022 as À Quoi Pensent les Abeilles by humenSciences/Humensis.


Series Editor's Foreword
Prologue. What Is a Bee?

1. A Poor Sense of Direction
      In a Bee's Head
      Everyone on the Dance Floor
      A Vector of Misinformation
      The Traveling Salesman Problem
      Cognitive Map and Cognitive Load
2. The Fragrance of Déjà Vu
      The Scent of Hydrocarbons
      The Misunderstood Cockroach
      Golf, Cheaters, and Peep Shows
      A Miniature Theory of Mind?
3. The Limits of a Miniature Intelligence
      On the Shoulders of Turner
      Flower Power
      Concepts and Arithmetic
      Bumblebees Aren't Always in a Good Mood
      A Miniature Imagination
      Consciousness and the Temptation to       Anthropomorphize
4. The Superorganism
      Simple and Complex
      The Wisdom of the Crowd
      It Takes All Kinds
      Insects and Robots
      This Election Is Rigged!
5. Achilles' Heel
      The Harmful Effects of Nicotine
      Rock Isn't Dead
      The Badger and Preventive Measures
      The Second Brain
      Five Fruits and Vegetables a Day
      Waiting for the Next World

Epilogue. After All, We're All a Bit Like Bees

Customer Reviews


Mathieu Lihoreau is an evolutionary biologist and animal cognition researcher at the Behavioral and Cognitive Ecology Lab in the Center for Integrative Biology at the Universite de Toulouse.

Translator and book editor Alison Duncan earned her master of science in translation from New York University and her bachelor of arts in French and Francophone studies from Vassar College. She is the translator of Marvelous Microfossils: Creators, Timekeepers, Architects.

By: Mathieu Lihoreau(Author), Alison Duncan(Translated by)
158 pages, no illustrations
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