Environmental Geotechnics, 2nd edition provides engineers with an overview of the key aspects of the environmental interface with the construction industry and discusses a variety of geotechnical topics including some basic theoretical background knowledge, investigation methods and common geotechnical problems. This new edition is fully revised and updated with all standards and regulations. It includes new coverage of geothermal energy and material on the use of natural/renewable materials in construction, e.g. timber, geosynthetics, vegetable fibres. The author, R W Sarsby, is Professor of Civil Engineering and Director for Research and Scholarship of the Department of Construction and Infrastructure (COIN). He has been researching various aspects of the interaction between construction and the environment for over 30 years and has been the Institution of Civil Engineers representative on BSI committees dealing with noise and ground vibrations.
1. Environmental aspects (assessment, legislation)
2. Definitions
3. Site investigation
4. Compaction and earthworks
5. Shear strength
6. Renewable and geothermal energy
7. Environmental impacts and limitations of open loop systems
8. Cost versus reward (life cycle)
9. Poorly commissioned systems
10. Poorly maintained and operated systems
11. Permeability and groundwater
12. Consolidation and settlement
13. Slope stability
14. Retaining systems
15. Instrumentation and stability
16. Retaining systems
17. Instrumentation and monitoring
18. Landfill waste
19. Contaminated land
20. Derelict land
21. Tips and lagoons
22. Tailing dams
23. Re-use of waste materials, noise and vibration
24. Radioactive wastes requirements