The first edition of Equine Locomotion has established itself as the book in the equine literature that discusses all aspects of equine locomotion and gait analysis, written by an international team of editors and contributors. The new edition continues this trend and gives the reader a complete picture of the horse in motion, at the same time including many recent findings in this area. Equine Locomotion begins with a history of man's association with the horse and then continues to discuss with comprehensive descriptions of the present state of knowledge beginning with the initiation of gait and ending with the more scientific area of computer modeling. In the new edition, the list of contributors continues to comprise of authors who are acknowledged experts in their subject areas and includes many new illustrations.
History of Locomotor System- van Weeren
- from gait to performance labs (Denoix/Dyson, McIlwraith/Stover, Lekeux/Marlin)
- development of the professionals themselves- Loomans
Measurement Techniques for Gait Analysis- Clayton
- Treadmill / Force plate- Weishaupt
- High speed camera / video- Wilson
- Inertial systems for kinematic analysis- Clayton
- Ultrasonic systems for kinematic analysis- Denoix
- Pressure mats hoof, saddle- van Heel / de Cocq
- Application of different types of transducers- Davies, Thomason
- Clinical instruments: flexometer etc.
Signal=Waveform/ Statistical analysis of Biomechanical Data - Burn (Keegan / Peham) – new chapter
The Neurobiology of Locomotor Development- Bowker
- EMG: Wijnberg (Nollet / Spadiavecchia)
Inter-limb Coordination- Collins
Intra forelimb Coordination- Clayton
- Chateau
- chapter above and below: separate chapters in new edition
Intra hind limb Coordination- Clayton
The Role of the Hoof and Shoeing- Van Heel (Back)
- Natural/barefoot/physiological foot and trim – Bowker
Gait Adaptation in Lameness- Keegan
- Evidence for Prepurchase- Sloet / Dyson
- Validity of Imaging techs- Schramme
- Ataxia quantification- Licka
The Neck and Back- Haussler
The Effects of Conformation- Crevier (/ Weeren – EVJ Special Edition)
Genetics- Back
- Equine Genome Scan- Binns (Bailey / Barrey )
- Breed differences: WB/CB/Arab / TB/SB/QH- Rosie -new chapter
- Outcome of epidemiological studie-: Ducro & Arendonk / WUR
Exercise Effects on the Skeletal Tissues- Back
- Bone- Rogers / Firth // Stover
- Cartilage- Brommer // McIlwraith/Kawcak/Frisbie
- Tendon- Goodship / Smith
- Muscle- Valberg // Wijnberg
Performance in Equestrian Sports- Clayton
- Dressage- Clayton
- Jumping- Weeren (Santamaria)
Horse rider interaction- van Weeren
- Ergonomics- Gomez (Weishaupt, Johnston/Roepstorff, Weeren)
- Saddle- de Cocq
- Bit, rein tension- Clayton - new chapter
- Rider kinematics and EMG- Clayton
Locomotor Behaviour & Welfare- Dierendonck - new chapter
Rehabilitation- Stubbs - new chapter
Metabolic Energetics of Locomotion- Marlin (Lekeux)
Mechanics Analysis of Locomotion (Scaled, Modelling)- vd Bogert (Bobbert, van Leeuwen, Wilson)
Motion capture and animatio- Clayton/Kaiser/Malinowski - new chapter