Exercises in Soil Physics is designed to complement available soil physics and vadose zone hydrologytexts by providing additional practice exercises. Material is included for beginning to graduate level students and may be studied either independently or in conjunction with formal classes. More than 200 problems are presented with detailed answers.
Chapter 1: The Solid Phase, Aziz Amoozegar
Chapter 2: Soil Water Relations, Markus Tuller
Chapter 3: Saturated Walter Flow, Paul A. Ferre
Chapter 4: Unsaturated Flow, Gary W. Parkin and David J. Fallow
Chapter 5: Field Water Processes, Alex Furman, Uri Shavit and Ravid Rozenzwieg
Chapter 6: Chemical Fate and Transport, Francis Casey and Leilah Krounbi
Chapter 7: Heat and Energy Transport, Colin S. Campbell, Douglas R. Cobos and Gaylon S. Campbell
Chapter 8: Soil Gasses and Transport, Scott B. Jones
Chapter 9: Soil Variability, Ole Wendroth
Appendix on CD