Volume 30 deals with a taxonomic revision of the family Apocynaceae in India where it is represented by 48 genera and 118 species. Of these, 20 are cultivated with four subspecies and 16 varieties.
List of Illustrations
1. Acokanthera
2. Adenium
3. Aganosma
4. Allamanda
5. Alstonia
6. Alyxia
7. Amphineurion
8. Anodendron
9. Apocynum
10. Beaumontia
11. Bousigonia
12. Carissa
13. Catharanthus
14. Cerbera
15. Chilocarpus
16. Chonemorpha
17. Dyera
18. Epigynum
19. Funtumia
20. Holarrhena
21. Hunteria
22. Ichnocarpus
23. Kamettia
24. Kibatalia
25. Kopsia
26. Landolphia
27. Malouetia
28. Mascarenhasia
29. Melodinus
30. Nerium
31. Neisosperma
32. Parameria
33. Parsonsia
34. Pinochia
35. Plumeria
36. Pottsia
37. Rauvolfia
38. Rhazya
39. Strophanthus
40. Tabernaemontana
41. Thevetia
42. Trachelospermum
43. Urceola
44. Vallaris
45. Vinca
46. Voacanga
47. Willughbeia
48. Wrightia