Language: German, with bilingual summary in English and German
Die Waldgesellschaften Luxemburgs presents the results of a phytosociological evaluation of 14,043 data points from the forests of Luxembourg. On the basis of this evaluation, a total of 27 different forest associations were identified in Luxembourg. The results are presented in the table of constancy in the appendix. Data on site conditions, such as exposition/inclination, altitude, climate and soil types were made available for this work in the form of "shape files" and were evaluated for each association on the basis of the phytosociological evaluation. Distribution maps were made for each association based on the coordinates for the vegetation data. Data on endangerment and protection were compiled from the literature and added to the description of the associations. Information on the protection status with respect to the Habitats Directive of the European Commission (status 2007) and recommendations for forestry are given as well. This information is given in the form of a "profile" for each association. The distribution maps and the evaluation of the site and climatic parameters are presented as clear and uniform illustrations. Various subassociations were determined for some of the associations; these are also shown in the table of constancy and listed within the respective descriptions. In order to ensure access to French-speaking literature, both German and French names are given for each association.