Language: German, with trilingual abstracts in English, German, and French
Contains four contributions:
Marine Fauna der Wiltz-Schichten (Ober-Emsium, Unter-Devon), der Mulde von Wiltz und der Daleider Mulden-Gruppe (Luxemburg,Deutschland). Teil 2: Crinoida
In connection with the touching up of the fauna of the Wiltz beds of the upper Emsian of Luxembourg and the West Eifel (Germany) the Crinoids, which are found there, are described more closely for the first time. The species Gastrocrinus leunisseni sp. n., Propoteriocrinus hosingeni sp. n. are described anew. Many species eg. genera have now for the first time been proven to be in the Wiltz-beds: Botryocrinus montisguyonensis Delpey 1942, Dicirrocrinus? ramulosus Schmidt 1941, Follicrinus parvestellatus Schmidt 1941, Eifelocrinus? sp., Dictenocrinus? sp., Propoteriocrinus follmanni brevior Schmidt 1941, Corocrinus sp., Culicocrinus nodosus virgo Schmidt 1941, Facetocrinus sp., Anthinocrinus sp., Laudonomphalus maximus (Le Menn 1976), Amurocrinus lefretensis Le Menn 1985, Calleocrinus lagrangensis Le Menn 1985. A high diversity of Ctenocrinus species could be accepted. Their morphological similarity and degree of relationship to Laudonomphalus Moore & Jeffords 1968 are dicussed. It could be proved that the columnals of Asperocrinus minimus Le Menn 1985 representatives can be assigned to the form group of Culicocrinus nodosus (Müller 1854).
Über Ostracoden in Luxemburg und West-Eifel – das Ardenno-rheinische Unter-Devon im Spannungsfeld zwischen Oldred-Kontinent und Gondwana – ein Beitrag zur Biogeographie des Variszikum
With respect to investigations into the biodiversity of the Alleghenian-Variscan Lower Devonian, selected examples of faunal distribution are reported – on the one hand of small regional interest (Eifel region, Luxembourgian Oesling), otherwise of world-wide (European/North African – North American) importance.
Two quite different topics are discussed: (1) Benthic faunas from the southern coast of the Old Red Continent (Rhenish-Ardennish Massif), basically time- independent facies indicators in lagoonal Klerf beds from the south coast of the Old Red Continent (Ardenno-Rhenish massiv). (2) (Nekto)benthic, in particular offshore ostracods from the coasts of the Rheic Ocean along Laurussia/Avalonia (U.S.Midcontinent, Rhenohercynia), Peri-Gondwana (Iberia, Armorica, Saxothuringia, Anatolia) and Northwest Gondwana (Algeria, Morocco), all Emsian marker fossils of Old World as well as New World realms. Starting point are large "Rhenish" ostracods (Beyrichioidea) from the collections of the Musée national d'histoire naturelle de Luxembourg (MNHNL). The taxonomy of the group is dealt with, laying emphasís on (nekto) benthic genera Carinokloedenia and Zygobeyrichia, particularly occurring offshore on the Rheic coasts of Laurussia / Avalonia, Peri-Gondwana and North Gondwana. In particular, the taxonomy of the stratigraphical and zoogeographical important "Zygobeyrichia subcylindrica Group" [informal name] with inclusion of its allies are discussed, with special reference to the marker species Z. subcylindrica (Rh. Richter 1863) [sensu stricto] and its delimination against the common Z. devonica (Jones & Woodward 1889). New are Kloedenella poschmanni n. sp. from the Klerf beds, Carinokloedenia spinosa forma reideschbaachensis form. nov., from the early Lower Emsian, Givonne-Oesling Anticline of Luxembourg and Carinokloedenia onusta carinata n. subsp. from the Upper Emsian of the West-Eifel / Germany and the Oesling of Luxembourg.
Under plate tectonic aspects, much attention is paid to stratigraphical, palaeoecological and zoogeographical considerations. Finally, event-stratigraphical matters are reflected about the "Heisdorf phenomenon", including the "Polyzygia beckeri Community".
Neue Daten zu Spiniscabrella und Scabrella (Scabrella) aus dem Unter-Devon von Deutschland, Luxemburg und Marokko
New material of Spiniscabrella spinosissima (Schlüter, 1900) from the Middle Rhine Region of the Rhenish Massif allows a more precise diagnosis. An extended morphological description of Scabrella (Scabrella) propradoana Müller, 2005 from the Maïder in Morocco is presented. Spiniscabrella albertii n. sp. from the Wiltz Beds of the western Eifel is described for the first time. The validity of the subgenus Interscabrella is discussed.
Marine Fauna der Wiltz-Schichten (Ober-Emsium, Unter-Devon) der Mulde von Wiltz und der Daleider Mulden-Gruppe (Luxemburg, Deutschland). Teil 3: Craniida
In the present work the craniides of the Upper Emsian Wiltz-Beds in the Luxembourgian Oesling and of Germany are examined. The genus Merglia n. gen. and the species Petrocrania krautscheidensis n. sp. and Petrocrania fabisziskyi n. sp. are new. This contribution is part 3 of the basic revision of the marine fauna of the Wiltz Beds of the Wiltz syncline and the Daleiden syncline group.
Christian Franke
Marine Fauna der Wiltz-Schichten (Ober-Emsium, Unter-Devon), der Mulde von Wiltz und der Daleider Mulden-Gruppe (Luxemburg,Deutschland). Teil 2: Crinoida p. 5-64
Gerhard Becker †, Christian Franke
Über Ostracoden in Luxemburg und West-Eifel – das Ardenno-rheinische Unter-Devon im Spannungsfeld zwischen Oldred-Kontinent und Gondwana – ein Beitrag zur Biogeographie des Variszikum p. 65-116
Peter Müller, Christian Franke
Neue Daten zu Spiniscabrella und Scabrella (Scabrella) aus dem Unter-Devon von Deutschland, Luxemburg und Marokko p. 117-132
Christian Franke
Marine Fauna der Wiltz-Schichten (Ober-Emsium, Unter-Devon) der Mulde von Wiltz und der Daleider Mulden-Gruppe (Luxemburg, Deutschland). Teil 3: Craniida p. 133-147