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Flora Iberica, Volume 19/1: Gramineae (Partim 1)

Flora / Fauna Identification Key
Series: Flora Iberica Volume: 19/1
By: Santiago Castroviejo(Editor)
738 pages, plates with b/w line drawings; b/w line drawings, 1 b/w map
Flora Iberica, Volume 19/1: Gramineae (Partim 1)
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  • Flora Iberica, Volume 19/1: Gramineae (Partim 1) ISBN: 9788400106959 Hardback Jan 2021 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 2-3 weeks
Price: £59.99
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About this book

Language: Spanish with scientific nomenclature

This new volume of the magnum opus on Iberian Flora presents the first part of the grasses, family Gramineae. Undertaken by more than thirty botanists, it is under the coordination of the director of the Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid, Santiago Castroviejo. It presents the basic structure of the Iberian Fauna volumes: dichotomous keys for determining the different species, and in the section dedicated to each species, morphological features, geographic distribution and details about their biology.

Summary in Spanish:
Nuevo volúmen de la obra magna sobre la flora ibérica, emprendida por más de treinta botánicos, bajo la coordinación del director del Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid, Santiago Castroviejo. Presenta la estructura básica de los volúmenes de Fauna Ibérica: claves dicotómicas para la determinación de las diferentes especies, y en el apartado dedicado a las especies rasgos morfológicos, distribución geográfica y detalles sobre su biología.


- Achnatherum
- Aegilops
- Aeluropus
- Agropogon
- Agropyron
- Agrostis
- Aira
- Airopsis
- Alopecurus
- Ammochloa
- Ammophila
- Ampelodesmos
- Andropogon
- Anthoxanthum
- Antinoria
- Apera
- Aristida
- Arrhenatherum
- Arundinaria
- Arundo
- Avellinia
- Avena
- Avenula
- Axonopus
- Bellardiochloa
- Bouteloua
- Brachiaria
- Brachypodium
- Briza
- Bromus
- Calamagrostis
- Castellia
- Catabrosa
- Cenchrus
- Chaetopogon
- Chloris
- Cleistogenes
- Coix
- Cortaderia
- Corynephorus
- Crypsis
- Ctenopsis
- Cutandia
- Cynodon
- Cynosurus
- Dactylis
- Danthonia
- Dasypyrum
- Deschampsia
- Desmazeria
- Dichanthium
- Digitaria
- Dinebra
- Echinaria
- Echinochloa
- Ehrharta
- Eleusine
- Elymus
- Enneapogon
- Eragrostis
- Festuca
- Festulolium
- Gastridium
- Gaudinia
- Glyceria
- Hainardia
- Helictotrichon
- Hemarthria
- Heteropogon
- Hierochloe
- Holcus
- Hordelymus
- Hordeum
- Hyparrhenia
- Imperata
- Jarava
- Koeleria
- Lagurus
- Lamarckia
- Leersia
- Leptochloa
- Leymus
- Lolium
- Lophochloa
- Lygeum
- Melica
- Mibora
- Micropyrum
- Milium
- Molineriella
- Molinia
- Narduroides
- Nardus
- Nassella
- Oplismenus
- Oreochloa
- Oryza
- Panicum
- Parapholis
- Paspalum
- Pennisetum
- Periballia
- Phalaris
- Phleum
- Pholiurus
- Phragmites
- Piptatherum
- Poa
- Polypogon
- Pseudarrhenatherum
- Psilurus
- Puccinellia
- Rostraria
- Saccharum
- Schismus
- Sclerochloa
- Secale
- Sesleria
- Setaria
- Sorghum
- Spartina
- Sphenopus
- Sporobolus
- Stenotaphrum
- Stipa
- Taeniatherum
- Tragus
- Triplachne
- Trisetaria
- Trisetum
- Triticum
- Ventenata
- Vulpia
- Vulpiella
- Wangenheimia
- Zea

Customer Reviews

Flora / Fauna Identification Key
Series: Flora Iberica Volume: 19/1
By: Santiago Castroviejo(Editor)
738 pages, plates with b/w line drawings; b/w line drawings, 1 b/w map
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