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Flora of Andhra Pradesh (5-Volume Set)

Flora / Fauna Identification Key
By: Thammineni Pullaiah(Author), E Chennaiah(Author), S Sandhya Rani(Author)
2450 pages, 38 plates with colour photos; 995 b/w line drawings
Flora of Andhra Pradesh (5-Volume Set)
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  • Flora of Andhra Pradesh (5-Volume Set) ISBN: 9789386347954 Edition: 2 Hardback Jan 2018 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 2-4 months
Price: £285.00
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About this book

Language: English

The first edition of this flora was published in 1997 and went out of print in 2010.

Andhra Pradesh, one of the 29 states of India, has been explored intensively by the senior author and his research scholars for plant wealth during the last 35 years. Bentham and Hooker's system of classification has been followed in the enumeration of families with certain exceptions to accommodate recent changes. A dichotomous indented key has been given for families, genera and species. A total of 2880 species spread over 1112 genera and 177 families have been enumerated. Under each family key to the genera followed by the genus with its authority, key to the species, followed by species enumeration is given. The enumeration of species included the complete citation according to ICN, basionym if any, synonyms to connect to Flora of British India and Flora of Presidency of Madras. It is followed by detailed description, distribution in the state, flowering and fruiting period, vernacular names and specimens examined. References, Index to families, genera and species are given at the end.


Volume 1
1. Introduction
2. Topographical Division
3. Geographical Division
4. Climate
5. Geology
6. Soils
7. Forests and Vegetation
8. Effect of Biotic Factors on the Vegetation Conservation and Management Strategies
9. Coastal Vegetation
10. Aquatic Vegetation
11. Weeds
12. Parasitic Plants
13. Economically important Plants
14. Past and Present Work
15. Present Work. Artificial Key to the Families of flowering plants in Andhra Pradesh Systematic enumeration
16. Ranunculaceae
17. Dilleniaceae
18. Magnoliaceae
19. Annonaceae
20. Menispermaceae
21. Nymphaeaceae
22. Nelumbonaceae
23. Papaveraceae
24. Fumariaceae
25. Brassicaceae (nom. alt. Cruciferae)
26. Capparaceae
27. Violaceae Bixaceae
28. Flacourtiaceae
29. Pittosporaceae
30. Polygalaceae
31. Xanthophyllaceae
32. Caryophyllaceae
33. Portulacaceae
34. Tamaricaceae
35. Elatinaceae
36. Hypericaceae
37. Clusiaceae
38. Dipterocarpaceae
39. Malvaceae
40. Bombacaceae
41. Sterculiaceae
42. Tiliaceae
43. Elaeocarpaceae
44. Linaceae
45. Erythroxylaceae
46. Malpighiaceae
47. Zygophyllaceae
48. Oxalidaceae
49. Balsaminaceae
50. Rutaceae
51. Simaroubaceae
52. Balanitaceae
53. Ochnaceae
54. Burseraceae
55. Meliaceae
56. Flindersiaceae

Volume 2
1. Fabaceae
2. Caesalpinioideae
3. Mimosoideae
4. Rosaceae
5. Vahliaceae
6. Crassulaceae
7. Droseraceae
8. Haloragaceae (Halorrhagidaceae)
9. Rhizophoraceae
10. Combretaceae
11. Myrtaceae
12. Barringtoniaceae
13. Melastomataceae
14. Lythraceae
15. Sonneratiaceae
16. Punicaceae
17. Onagraceae
18. Trapaceae
19. Turneraceae
20. Passifloraceae
21. Caricaceae
22. Cucurbitaceae
23. Begoniaceae
24. Cactaceae
25. Molluginaceae
26. Aizoaceae
27. Apiaceae
28. Araliaceae
29. Alangiaceae

Volume 3

1. Rubiaceae
2. Asteraceae
3. Goodeniaceae
4. Campanulaceae
5. Lobeliaceae
6. Plumbaginaceae
7. Primulaceae
8. Myrsinaceae
9. Sapotaceae
10. Ebenaceae
11. Symplocaceae
12. Oleaceae
13. Salvadoraceae
14. Apocynaceae
15. Asclepiadaceae
16. Loganiaceae
17. Gentianaceae
18. Menyanthaceae
19. Hydrophyllaceae
20. Boraginaceae
21. Cordiaceae
22. Convolvulaceae
23. Cuscutaceae
24. Solanaceae
25. Scrophulariaceae
26. Orobanchaceae
27. Lentibulariaceae

Volumes 4 and 5
1. Gesneriaceae
2. Bignoniaceae
3. Pedaliaceae
4. Acanthaceae
5. Verbenaceae
6. Lamiaceae (nom. alter. Labiatae)
7. Nyctaginaceae
8. Amaranthaceae
9. Chenopodiaceae
10. Basellaceae
11. Polygonaceae
12. Podostemaceae
13. Aristolochiaceae
14. Piperaceae
15. Myristicaceae
16. Lauraceae
17. Hernandiaceae
18. Proteaceae
19. Elaeagnaceae
20. Loranthaceae
21. Viscaceae
22. Santalaceae
23. Balanophoraceae
24. Buxaceae
25. Euphorbiaceae
26. Urticaceae
27. Ulmaceae
28. Cannabaceae
29. Moraceae
30. Casuarinaceae
31. Salicaceae
32. Ceratophyllaceae

Customer Reviews

Flora / Fauna Identification Key
By: Thammineni Pullaiah(Author), E Chennaiah(Author), S Sandhya Rani(Author)
2450 pages, 38 plates with colour photos; 995 b/w line drawings
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