Language: English with bilingual summary in English and Spanish
In part 113A the Ecuadorian members of Icacinaceae are revised. Seven genera are treated, comprising altogether 10 species: Calatola (2 spp.), Citronella (2 spp.), Dendrobangia (2 spp.), Discophora (1 sp.), Leretia (1 sp.), Pleurisanthes (1 sp.), and Poraqueiba (1 sp.). One additional genus, Casimirella, is also treated since one of its species is expected to occur in the country. Keys, descriptions and specimen citations are given for all taxa. All genera are illustrated.
In part 113B the Ecuadorian members of Metteniusaceae are revised. One genus, Metteniusa (2 spp.), is treated. Keys, descriptions and specimen citations are given for all taxa.