Language: English
The first volume to be published in a new flora for the Indian state of Karnataka since the two-volume series authored by Saldanha and Nicholson and published by AA Balkema between 1985 and 1996. Since that flora did not cover monocotyledons, the first volume of this new flora is volume 3, which deals with the monocots.It includes 1167 species, 7 subspecies, 29 varieties including 114 cultivated species in 360 genera and 36 families. Nearly 293 species endemic to India also occur in Karnataka and have been included in this volume. The familiy Graminae is the largest (124 genera / 402 species), followed by Orchidaceae (60 genera / 180 species) and Cyperaceae (22 genera / 165 speices).
Key to the families
1. Orchidaceae
2. Zingiberaceae
3. Marantaceae
4. Musaceae
5. Cannaceae
6. Heliconiaceae
7. Bromeliaceae
8. Haemodoraceae
9. Dioscoreaceae
10. Taccaceae
11. Smilacaceae
12. Agavaceae
13. Hypoxidaceae
14. Amaryllidaceae
15. Burmanniaceae
16. Iridaceae
17. Pontederiaceae
18. Xyridaceae
19. Commelinaceae
20. Flagellariaceae
21. Juncaceae
22. Arecaceae
23. Pandanaceae
24. Typhaceae
25. Araceae
26. Lemnaceae
27. Alismataceae
28. Najadaceae
29. Hydrocharitaceae
30. Liliaceae
31. Aponogetonaceae
32. Potamogetonaceae
33. Eriocaulaceae
34. Hydatellaceae
35. Cyperaceae
36. Poaceae
Index to botanical names
Index to local/vernacular names/common English names