Language: English
Lower Subansiri, Arunachal Pradesh, India, is botanically very rich and home to many genera and species. Though several scientists, such as Panigrahi & Naik (1961), and Sastry & Sahni (1969) have collected plants from the district, their works are not complete or comprehensive enough to ascertain the flora of the district. The present work presents a general discussion covering topics such as physiography, climate, geography and soil, forest and forest types, botanical history, vegetational type, floristic diversity, and includes references. The taxonomic part contains keys to the families, genera, species and infraspecific taxa. Notes on distribution, frequency, phenology, field numbers, taxonomic notes, local names and their uses are provided. The taxonomic account of 1302 taxa belonging to 637 genera and 152 families from Ranunculaceae to Poaceae have been included. Of these, 12 new taxa have been recorded from the district.
Every effort has been made to bring the nomenclature up to date following the latest International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. Line drawings and photos of some species of botanical interest have been included.