Language: English
Volume 44(1) is the first part of the family Lamiaceae in the Flora of Pan-Himalaya. It includes eight subfamilies (Callicarpoideae, Symphorematoideae, Viticoideae, Tectonoideae Ajugoideae, Premnoideae, Peronematoideae, Scutellarioideae), 21 genera, and 136 species, among which two genera (Discretitheca and Holmskioldia) and 38 species are endemic to the Pan-Himalaya.
The nomenclatural novelties of the present book are two new species, two new names, one new combination and new status, 39 new synonyms. In addition, lectotypes are newly designated for 75 names
In the present account, the authors describe two new species, and make one new combination. There are two new names to replace the illegitimate names Teucrium aponiewm Willd. and Premna velutina C. Y. Wu respectively. In addition, they merge inostemon into ecri, and reduce 36 taxa as synonymy (eight in ajuga, five in Callicarpa, three in Caryopteris, three in Clerodendrum, eight in Premna, one in Pseudocaryopteris, one in Rotheca, three in Scutellaria, and four in Vitex). The authors also excluded records of six species in the Pan-Himalaya due to the misidentification by the authors of previous works. In the present volume, there are 328 scientific (specific and infraspecific) names, of which 100 are in need of lectotypes. Here, 75 of these names are lectotypified, but 25 names are left for further study.
Lamiaceae 1
1. Callicarpa 2
2. Congea 21
3. Vitex 24
4. Tectona 37
5. Rotheca 41
6. Schnabelia 45
7. Rubiteucris 50
8. Teucrium 53
9. Ajuga 75
10. Pseudocaryopteris 100
11. Tripora 105
12. Discretitheca 107
13. Amethystea 108
14. Caryopteris 112
15. Volkameria 118
16. Clerodendrum 119
17. Gmelina 145
18. Premna 150
19. Hymenopyramis 176
20. Holmskioldia 179
21. Scutellaria 180
List of nomenclatural novelties published in the present volume 231
Index to scientific names 234