Language: English
Uttar Pradesh is the fourth largest state of India and has a rich flora on account of its varied topographic and climatic conditions. This rich plant diversity has attracted botanists, naturalist and others who have contributed their knowledge about the flora of the state. Even so, the monumental work Flora of British India by J .D. Hooker (1972-1993) and Flora of Upper Gangetic Plain by Duthie (1903-1929) are the only comprehensive treatises where numerous species of the flora of undivided Uttar Pradesh were recorded and described, besides a few district floras and scattered articles published earlier. This work, planned in three volumes, is intended to fill this gap and provide a comprehensive flora incorporating all recent changes at species level in the present boundaries of Uttar Pradesh.
Scientists of the Botanical Survey of India started preparation for this flora in 2003. Volume 1 is largely based on the study of huge old collections housed in the herbaria at the Botanical Survey of India (BSI), Allahabad and Dehra Dun, the Central National Herbarium, Howrah (CNH), the National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow (NBRI) and the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, Dehra Dun (ICFRE); the study of published information on the floristics of the state; and also on new collections made by some of the contributors from the unexplored areas of the state.
The present volume provides an introduction and deals with general chapters on physiography, geology, mineral resources, river systems, climate, soil, agriculture, horticulture, sericulture, people and population, protected areas, forests, floristic studies, eco-regions, forest types and vegetation, wetlands, plants on old walls and buildings, plants along the road sides and railway tracks, seasonal vegetation, invasive alien flora, floristic diversity, economically important plants, cultivated plants, escapes, endemism, sacred groves, rare and threatened species, medicinal and ethno-botanical resources, threats and conservation, etc. It includes detailed taxonomic accounts of 805 species, distributed under 355 genera and 81 families along with enumeration of 205 cultivated species of angiosperms starting from the families Ranunculaceae to Apiaceae.
Key to the families
Systematic account
1. Ranunculaceae
2. Dilleniaceae
3. Magnoliaceae
4. Annonaceae
5. Menispermaceae
6. Nymphaeaceae
7. Nelumbonaceae
8. Papveraceae
9. Fumariaceae
10. Brassicaceae
11. Capparaceae
12. Cleomaceae
13. Resedaceae
14. Violaceae
15. Bixaceae
16. Cochlospermaceae
17. Flacourtiaceae
18. Pittosporaceae
19. Polygalaceae
20. Frankeniaceae
21. Caryophyllaceae
22. Portulacaceae
23. Tamaricaceae
24. Elatinaceae
25. Hypericaceae
26. Clusiaceae
27. Dipterocarpaceae
28. Malvaceae
29. Bombacaceae
30. Sterculiaceae
31. Tiliaceae
32. Linaceae
33. Malpighiaceae
34. Zygophyllaceae
35. Geraniaceae
36. Balsaminaceae
37. Tropaeolaceae
38. Oxalidaceae
39. Averrhoaceae
40. Rutaceae
41. Simaroubaceae
42. Balanitaceae
43. Ochnaceae
44. Burseraceae
45. Meliaceae
46. Olacaceae
47. Opiliaceae
48. Celastraceae
49. Hippocrateaceae
50. Rhamnaceae
51. Vitaceae
52. Leeaceae
53. Sapindaceae
54. Sabiaceae
55. Anacardiaceae
56. Moringaceae
57. Fabaceae
58. Caesalpiniaceae
59. Mimosaceae
60. Rosaceae
61. Vahliaceae
62. Crassulaceae
63. Droseraceae
64. Rhizophoraceae
65. Combretaceae
66. Myrtaceae
67. Lecythidaceae
68. Melastomataceae
69. Lythraceae
70. Punicaceae
71. Onagraceae
72. Trapaceae
73. Turneraceae
74. Passifloraceae
75. Caricaceae
76. Cucurbitaceae
77. Begoniaceae
78. Cactaceae
79. Aizoaceae
80. Molluginaceae
81. Apiaceae
Index to Botanical Names
Index to Vernacular names