Language: English
From the preface:
"This book is about the biodiversity of forests, the variety of genes, species, and forest ecosystems. which underpins a wide range of goods and services crucial for human survival and well-being. Biologically, forests are the most diverse land-based ecosystems that harbour an estimated two third of all terrestrial species.
This book was conceived to provide insights into the unique treasure of India's forest biodiversity. India is amazingly rich in biodiversity with nearly 91 212 faunal (7.43% of the world‘s fauna] and 45 500 plant species (11% of the world's flora) besides having four global biodiversity hotspots. Forest biodiversity in India sustains the well-being of millions of people living in and around forests through a multitude of ecosystem services, social, economic, and spiritual benefits. For many tribal communities, conservation of forest biodiversity is fundamental to their culture and identity.
I invite you to spend some time appreciating and enjoying the multi-faceted forest biodiversity of lndia captured in the magnificent images in the following pages."