Sandin, L.: The relationship between land-use, hydromorphology and river biota at different spatial and temporal scales: a synthesis of seven case studies 1-5
Buffagni, A., Casalegno, C. & Erba, S.: Hydromorphology and land use at different spatial scales: expectations in a changing climate scenario for medium-sized rivers of the Western Italian Alps 7-25
Pedersen, M. L. & Friberg, N.: Influence of disturbance on habitats and biological communities in lowland streams 27-41
Syrovatka, V., Schenkova, J. & Brabec, K.: The distribution of
chironomid larvae and oligochaetes within a stony-bottomed river
stretch: the role of substrate and hydraulic characteristics 43-62
Kail, J., Jahnig, S. C. & Hering, D.: Relation between floodplain land use and river hydromorphology on different spatial scales - a case study from two lower-mountain catchments in Germany 63-73
Sandin, L.: The effects of catchment land-use, near-stream vegetation, and river hydromorphology on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in a south-Swedish catchment 75-87
Pedersen, M. L.: Effects of channelisation, riparian structure and catchment area on physical habitats in small lowland streams 89-99
Verdonschot, P. F. M.: The significance of climate change in streams utilised by humans 101-116
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