Enclosed environmental monitoring at an economical price. The Tinytag Ultra 2 loggers are ideal for internal applications. They have a high reading accuracy and resolution, large memories, a fast offload speed and low battery monitor. This model features a 28,000 reading capacity, splash proof case, user replaceable battery, offload-whilst-logging capability, 2 alarms and min/max/actual readings as standard.
This model uses a thermocouple sensor. Thermocouples are temperature sensors that are popular because of their versatility and low cost. They typically have a fast response time, can be very small in size and are often cheap enough to be treated as disposable. Thermocouples are available for specific applications, as diverse as aluminium smelting, air temperature monitoring and food preparation.
The Tinytag Ultra 2 Thermocouple logger supports four different types of thermocouple sensor and is compatible with both standard and miniature thermocouple plugs. It is standard supplied with a type K thermocouple.
Temperature Sensor Details
Range: -40 to +85 degrees Celsius / -40 to +185 degrees Fahrenheit
Sensor Type: 10K NTC Thermistor
Response Time: 20 min to 90% FSD in moving air
Sensor Accuracy: Better than +/- 0.5 degrees Celsius
Resolution: 0.02 degrees Celsius or better
Thermocouple Details
Sensor Type: Type K, J, T or N Thermocouple
- Type K: -270 to +1370 degrees Celsius / -454 to +2498 degrees Fahrenheit
- Type J: -210 to +1200 degrees Celsius / -346 to +2192 degrees Fahrenheit
- Type T: -270 to +400 degrees Celsius / -454 to +752 degrees Fahrenheit
- Type N: -270 to +1300 degrees Celsius / -454 to +2372 degrees Fahrenheit
Resolution: 0.01 degrees Celsius
Cold Junction Compensation: -10 to +70 degrees Celsius
Accuracy: Better than +/- 1.0 degrees Celsius across all thermocouple ranges when the logger is between -10 to +70 degrees Celsius.
No. of readings: approximately 28,000
Memory type: Non-volatile
Trigger Start: Magnetic Switch
Delayed Start: Relative / Absolute (up to 3650 days)
Stop Options: When full / Never (overwrite oldest data)
Reading Types: Actual / Min / Max
Logging Interval: 1 s to 10 days
Alarms: Four, fully programmable; latchable
Battery Life: Battery replacement recommended annually
Physical Features
Case Style: IP51 Plastic shell
Case Weight: 65 g
Dimensions of Case: 42 x 60 x 33 mm
Supplied Type K Thermocouple
Temperature Range: -100 to +250 degrees Celsius / -148 to +482 degrees Fahrenheit
Lead length: 1 m