For introductory courses in geology for engineers or engineering geology, offered in departments of geology, earth science, and civil engineering. This text provides an introduction to geology for students of engineering and environmental science – with a focus on applications that they are likely to use in their professional careers. It demonstrates the importance of geology to engineers by including introductory mechanics, hydraulics, and case studies that illustrate interactions between geology and engineering; applications involving environmental problems and solutions are given significant coverage as well.
1. Challenges of the 21st Century
2. The Earth and Its Systems
3. Minerals
4. Igneous Rocks and Processes
5. Sedimentary Rocks and Processes
6. Metamorphic Rocks and Processes
7. Mechanics of Earth Materials
8. Structural Deformation of the Earth's Crust and Earthquakes
9. Weathering and Erosion
10. Soils, Soil Hazards and Land Subsidence
11. Ground Water
12. Subsurface Contamination and Remediation
13. Mass Movement and Slope Stability
14. Rivers
15. Oceans and Coasts
16. Glaciers, Permafrost, and Deserts
Summary and Conclusions
References and Suggestions for Further Reading