The first modern translation of Cuvier's essential writings on fossils and catastrophes, linked with the authors own insightful narrative and interpretive commentary.
Preface and Acknowledgments Notes on the Texts 1: The Theory of the Earth 2: Living and Fossil Elephants 3: The Megatherium from South America 4: A Research Program on Fossil Bones 5: An Appeal for International Collaboration 6: The Animals from the Gypsum Beds around Paris 7: A Pouched Marsupial from Paris 8: Popular Lectures on Geology 9: A Review of Fossil Pachyderms 10: A Report on Andre's Theory of the Earth 11: The Progress of Geological Science 12: The Geology of the Region around Paris 13: Fossil Deer and Cattle 14: Collected Researches on Fossil Bones 15: The Revolutions of the Globe 16: Conclusions Further Reading Bibliography of Cuvier's Sources Bibliography of Works by Historians of Science App: French Texts of Previously Unpublished Manuscripts Sources for Figures Index