Written by two of the most prominent members of the UK Green Party, Green Alternatives to Globalisation is an accessible and concise statement of the Green alternative to globalisation. Arguing that globalisation marginalises poor people, threatens livelihoods, and is destroying the environment, the authors demonstrate the urgent need for a new approach – Global Localism – that thinks globally, but acts locally.
List Of Acronyms
Section 1: Assessing The Damage
1. Globalisation: The Economics Of Insecurity
2. Democracy For Sale
3. A World In Decline
4. Globalising Poverty, Inequality And Unemployment
Section 2: The Green Alternative
5. Economic Localisation
Section 3: Turning The Tide
6. Connecting Hearts And Minds
7. Learning From History
8. Storming The Citadels: Sacking Bretton Woods And The WTO
Section 4: Applying The Alternative
9. Local Food - The Global Solution
10. Localising Money
11. A New Context For Multilateralism
Caroline Lucas was elected as one of the UK Green Party's first MEP's in 1999. She is a member of the European Parliament's Committee for Trade, Industry, Energy and Research, Vice President of the EU's Joint Parliamentary Assembly, and an Associate of the International Forum on Globalisation.
Michael Woodin is the Trade and Industry spokesperson for the Green Party and was elected as Oxford's first Green City Councillor in 1994. He lectures in Psychology at Balliol College, University of Oxford, and has written and broadcast widely.