This excellent hands on guide to designing environmentally friendly buildings those made from materials that preserve the earth's natural legacy for future generations is written by two nationally known experts on the subject. You'll find practical information on green product selection, product specification, and construction processes. You'll also learn just what green building materials are, where you can find them, and how you can use them effectively. This edition includes updated information on LEED requirements and how to integrate them into the specifications process and new sections on commissioning and on construction waste management. Other features are guidelines on how to evaluate the "greenness" of building materials, helpful sample forms to aid in selecting and specifying materials, and a brief history of relevant environmental legislation.
Why Use Green Building Materials? What are Green Building Materials? How Does the Product Selection Process Work? How Does the Product Specification Process Work? How Does the Construction Process Work? Conclusion. Appendices. Glossary. Index.
ROSS SPIEGEL, RA, FCSI, CCS, an expert on specifying green products, is an associate at Michael A. Shiff & Associates. DRU MEADOWS, AIA, CSI, CCS, is a cofounder and partner in the GreenTeam, Inc.