Focuses on the study of groundwater flow problems as well as providing a thorough analysis of real practical field case studies in order to develop an understanding of the interaction between the inputs, outputs and internal flow processes.
Preface. 1. Introduction. PART I: BASIC PRINCIPLES. 2. Background to Groundwater Flow. 3. Recharge due to Precipitation or Irrigation. 4. Interaction between Surface Water and Groundwater. PART II: RADIAL FLOW. 5. Radial Flow to Pumped Boreholes Fundamental Issues. 6. Large Diameter Wells. 7. Radial Flow where Vertical Components of Flow are Significant. 8. Practical Issues of Interpretation and Assessing Resources. PART III: REGIONAL GROUNDWATER FLOW. 9. Regional Groundwater Studies in which Transmissivity is Effectively Constant. 10. Regional Groundwater Flow in Multi Aquifer Systems. 11. Regional Groundwater Flow with Hydraulic Conductivity Varying with Saturated Thickness. 12. Numerical Modelling Insights. Appendix: Computer Program for Two zone Model. List of Symbols. References. Index.
...well written and structured...a comprehensive and thorough reference source...highly recommended for anyone in the business... (Circulation N ltr of British Hydrological Soc, Feb 2004) "...delighted to have this book on my shelf and it is already becoming well hesitation in recommending it..." (Geoscientist, May 2004) "The information and techniques presented in this book provide illuminating guidelines and...directions for...hydrogeologists, geohydrologists and water resource engineers." (Hydrological Sciences Journal, Feb 2005, Vol 50 (1))