Language: Italian
Following on from its hugely successful launch in 1999, Collins Bird Guide – the ultimate reference book for bird enthusiasts – now enters its second edition. This enlarged reprint of the second edition has expanded text and additional colour illustrations, and is a must for every birdwatcher. Collins Bird Guide provides all the information needed to identify any species at any time of the year, covering size, habitat, range, identification and voice.
Accompanying every species entry is a distribution map and illustrations showing the species in all the major plumages (male, female, immature, in flight, at rest, feeding: whatever is important). In addition, each group of birds includes an introduction which covers the major problems involved in identifying or observing them: how to organise a sea watching trip, how to separate birds of prey in flight, which duck hybrids can be confused with which main species. These and many other common birdwatching questions are answered. The combination of definitive text, up-to-date distribution maps and superb illustrations, all in a single volume, makes Collins Bird Guide the ultimate field guide, essential on every bookshelf and birdwatching trip.
Summary in Italian:
Versione cartonata in formato grande della seconda edizione della Guida agli Uccelli d'Europa, Nord Africa e Vicino Oriente.
- Fornisce tutte le informazioni necessarie per identificare qualsiasi specie in tutti i periodi dell‘anno
- Testi dettagliati descrivono: dimensioni, habitat, areale di distribuzione, identificazione e canto
- Mappe di distribuzione aggiornate forniscono informazioni sulle aree di nidificazione, svernamento e migrazione
- Questa seconda edizione include più di 4000 illustrazioni dei più eminenti artisti di uccelli del mondo
- Ampi aggiornamenti relativi a berte, rapaci, gabbiani, piccioni, gufi, averle e alcune famiglie di passeriformi.