Language: French
Through a combination of detailed text and elaborate full-colour illustrations and line drawings, Collins Field Guide to the Mammals of Britain and Europe will show how to identify species as quickly and accurately as possible. Not only does it detail the field signs likely to be found – from tracks to droppings, to midden and hollow tree trunks – it also contains all the biological and taxonomic information needed to positively identify each species.
Each entry includes:
- Detailed species descriptions and recognition tips
- Information on colour and form
- Habitat descriptions and information on where and when you're likely to spot the animal
- Species measurements to aid identification and comparison
- Maximum recorded lifespan and details of breeding and behaviour
There is also extensive information which is aimed at giving readers an insight into how the animals live, such as how crested porcupine adults keep their young warm by crushing them between the parents; how many baby seals actually moult while still inside the mother and why the red fox can cause such destruction.
With maps showing range and distribution plus 64 colour plates containing over 600 individual paintings, Guide Complet des Mammifères de France et d'Europe is an indispensable guide for any naturalist wanting to learn about the fascinating world of mammals and study them in the wild.
Summary in French:
- Un guide d'identification par le dessin pour reconnaître facilement plus de 200 espèces de mammifères.
- de superbes illustrations en couleurs (600 dessins) d'une grande précision.
- 200 cartes de répartition.