Ocean basins are pulled apart and disappear again, continents move and collide, mountain chains uplift and are then eroded, a rising sea level submerges land under water around the world, volcanic super-eruptions lead to global temperature falls, asteroids collide with the Earth and thereby erase nearly all lifeforms. Geology tells the long history of the Earth; it shows us what has happened on our planet and everything that can still happen. The rocks are the only archive where this history is recorded.
Habitats: Excursions into the Earth History of Salzburg and Upper Bavaria invites you to browse the rock archive around Salzburg. 38 excursions lead us through 260 million years of the Earth History of Salzburg and Upper Bavaria. Until the year 1803, most of the localities presented here formed part of the Prince-bishopric of Salzburg for over 450 years and are therefore linked not only by their geological, but also by political and cultural history.
Numerous colour photos and a variety of topographical maps make it easy to find the most striking geological features in the surroundings of Salzburg. Access to these areas by public transport is particularly indicated.
- Late Permian and Triassic - 260-201 million years ago
- Jurassic and Cretaceous - 201-66 million years ago
- Paleogene und Neogene - 66 - 2,6 million years ago
- Quaternary - 2,6 - 0 million years ago