Addresses EIA principles, process and methods. Part 1 maps the EIA process and its impact on decisions. Part 2 addresses the elements of the EIA process and significant impact assessment topics - air, water, ecological, social, risk, landscape and visual - not only in terms of good practice but also methodological evolution.
Part I: EIA As a Decision Tool: Introduction EIA and Sustainable Development EIA Versus other Environmental Management Tools Strategic Environmental Assessment - Principles and Potential Criteria and Standards for Assessing Significant Impact EIA, CBA and the Valuation of Environmental Impacts EIA Impact on Decisions Public Participation and EIA EIA and Information Technologies Part II: EIA Process and Methods: Screening, Scoping and Site-Selection EIA Monitoring and Auditing Air Quality Assessment Water Impact Assessment Social Impact Assessment Ecological Assessment Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Risk Assessment Cumulative Effects Assessment Methods of Strategic Environmental Assessment