This book describes essential methods for evaluating groundwater vulnerability to contamination. It analyses the chemical and dynamic properties of groundwater in detail and proposes the use of cartography to elucidate underground hydrodynamic behaviour and scale classification. Supplemented by colour illustrations, figures and tables, as well as a comprehensive bibliography for further research on specific issues, Hydrogeology of Plains studies groundwater behaviour in different types of plains, such as alluvial, deltaic, piedmont, intermountain and marine, and suggests a methodology for hydrogeological studies.
iki Professor Miguel Auge has been a Professor of Hydrogeology at the University of Buenos Aires for 25 years., He is the Founder and first Director of the Hydrology Institute for Plains, Department of the National University of Central Buenos Aires. He is the author of 97 scientific papers, which have been published in journals, conferences, seminars and symposia. He is also the author of 103 unpublished professional reports. He has written 16 books on hydrogeological issues.