Language: Chinese with scientific nomenclature
The Illustrated Flora of Taiwan contains information on 4,739 native plants in Taiwan, containing a total of more than 15,000 clear photos, ecological maps and detailed illustrations, and are classified according to the latest APG IV plant classification system.
Volume 1 describes a total of 534 species of the families Cycadaceae-Orchidaceae (Dipophyllum), 5 new species have been added, and the classification of 68 species has been updated.
Volume 2 covers Orchidaceae-Juncaceae, including the Cyperaceae and hard-to-classify aquatic plants.
Volume 3 describes a total of 620 species of 39 families from Gramineae-Stellariaceae.
Volume 4 describes a total of 605 species of 17 families from Euphorbiaceae-Rosaceae.
Volume 5 describes a total of 592 species of 46 families from Ulmaceae-Talinaceae.
Volume 6 describes a total of 635 species of 36 families from Cornaceae-Bignoniaceae.
Volume 7 describes a total of 711 species of 26 families from Gesneriaceae-Caprifoliaceae.
Volume 8, part 1 describes a total of 409 species of 28 fern and lycophyte families.
Volume 8, part 2 describes a total of 436 species of 10 fern and lycophyte families.
Summary in Chinese:
本套 《台湾原生植物全图鉴》大卷收录台湾4,739种原生植物资料,共15,000张以上清晰照片、生态图及详细图说,依照最新的APG IV植物分类系统设计分册。
Vol.1. 第一卷:苏铁科─兰科(双袋兰属)(APG IV增订版)
Vol.2. 第二卷:兰科(恩普莎兰属)—灯心草科
Vol.3. 第三卷:禾本科—沟繁缕科
Vol.4. 第四卷:大戟科—蔷薇科
含所有原生及归化植物,共收录17科605种。 ? 型态多元的大戟科(如太鲁阁大戟、巴豆、乌桕等)、绝美的蔷薇科(如小金樱 、雾社山樱花 、台湾草莓等)、
成员繁多的豆科(如鱼藤 、滨槐、凤凰木、相思树等),在本卷皆有完整收录介绍。
Vol.5 第五卷:榆科-土人参科
自蔷薇目的榆科至石竹目的土人蔘科为止,包含所有原生及归化种,共收录46科592种植物。 拥有可爱果实的壳斗科、奇异的秋海棠科、与人类生活息息相关的芸香
Vol.6 第六卷:山茱萸科—紫葳科 自山茱萸目的山茱萸科至唇形目的紫葳科为止,包含所有原生及归化种,共收录36科635种植物。
Vol.7 第七卷:苦苣苔科—忍冬科
Vol.8-1 第八卷(上):蕨类与石松类 石松科-乌毛蕨科
Vol.8-2 第八卷(下):蕨类与石松类 蹄盖蕨科--水龙骨科.