Language: Chinese with scientific nomenclature
This is the second of two books making up Illustrated Flora of Taiwan, Volume 8 and covers ferns and lycophytes. The second book shows in detail the characteristics and identification characters of ferns in different distribution areas. The book follows the latest PPG I taxonomy published in November 2016 and includes the latest research results, including all new species, unidentified species and unpublished species, The volume contains a further 435 species of ferns and is Taiwan’s first fern flora since 1896. It contains a large number of illustrations and has benefited from the input of Qiu Wenliang, senior fern expert and associate researcher with the Forestry Laboratory/former Director of Taipei Botanical Garden, making this the most professional and detailed fern record in Taiwan's history.
Summary in Chinese:
本書為《台灣原生植物全圖鑑第八卷:蕨類與石松類》下卷,以476頁的大篇幅,詳細呈現蕨類植物在不同分布地的特性與辨識特徵。根據2016年11月發表的PPG I分類法、2019年8月最新發表的台灣蕨類名錄與最新的研究結果,自水龍骨目的水龍骨科起至水龍骨科為止,在本卷中完整收錄了435種蕨類植物。