A non-technical introduction to one of the biggest environmental problems of our era. Global warming is happening now, bringing changes to our climate and our world. Most dramatically, the climate is changing at an accelerated pace in the Arctic region. In the past few decades, temperatures in the Arctic have risen at nearly twice the rate of the rest of the world, disrupting the region and its people in many ways. A new overview report of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA), Impacts of a Warming Arctic, explores these impacts in depth.
From the publisher's announcement:
The Arctic is now experiencing some of the most rapid and severe climate change on earth. Over the next 100 years, climate change is expected to accelerate, contributing to major physical, ecological, social, and economic changes, many of which have already begun. Changes in arctic climate will also affect the rest of the world through increased global warming and rising sea levels. Impacts of a Warming Arctic is a plain language synthesis of the key findings of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA), designed to be accessible to policymakers and the broader public. The ACIA is a comprehensively researched, fully referenced, and independently reviewed evaluation of arctic climate change. It has involved an international effort by hundreds of scientists. This report provides vital information to society as it contemplates its responses to one of the greatest challenges of our time. It is illustrated in full-colour throughout.
'In October, a body of nearly 300 scientists completed the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, a report based not on worst-case scenarios but on observed changes to-date combined with projected temperature increases that are below the middle range of those anticipated by complex, increasingly accurate global climate models. Despite this methodological caution, the predictions made in the Assessment are terrifying.' - London Review of Books.
For more information on the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment with questions and answers about global warming and the Arctic see the website www.pewclimate.org/arctic_qa.cfm.
An overview of the reports has been produced by the ACIA and can be seen on the website http://amap.no/workdocs/index.cfm?dirsub=%2FACIA%2Foverview
For a pre-release version of the chapters visit the actual website of the ACIA www.acia.uaf.edu/pages/scientific.html.
A highlights brochure (18 Pages) can be obtained at no cost at the following web site http://www.gcrio.org/orders/product_info.php?products_id=100
Key findings; 1. The Arctic and global climate change; 2. Past, present and future Arctic climate; 3. Climate change effects on the Arctic physical system; 4. Climate change impacts on ecosystems and human activities; 5. Conclusions; Appendices.
Susan Joy Hassol is an independent scholar and science writer.
The ACIA Overview Report is an excellent educational tool that explains the implications of Arctic climate change to the general public and decision makers. It is a reference volume for those who need to find reliable facts about the Arctic and climate change quickly. ACIA is a pedagogical resource since many of its figures and graphs are available on-line and can be easily incorporated into presentations...I believe that readers will appreciate the objective and balanced style of Impacts of a warming Arctic and enjoy the visual impact of this handsome reference volume. - Ecoscience, Derek Mueller, Universite Laval