Deals with the most recent developments in international environmental law since the UN Rio Conference on Environment and Development in 1992.
Notes on Contributors; Table of Cases; Table of Treaties and Other Instruments; List of Abbreviations; Introduction; Sustainable Development and Unsustainable Arguments; Sustainable Development: Treaty, Custom and the Cross-Fertilization of International Law; Codification of International Environmental Law and the International Law Commission: Injurious Consequences Revisited; Natural Resources in the Case Law of the International Court; The Development of the Legal Regime of High Seas Fisheries; International Fisheries Law Since Rio: The Continued Rise of the Precautionary Principle; Towards Long Term Sustainable Use: Some Recent Developments in the Legal Regime of Fisheries; Protection of Ecosystems under International Law: Lessons from Antarctica; Sustaining Small Cetaceans: A Preliminary Evaluation of the ASCOBANS and ACCOBAMS Agreements; The Settlement of Disputes According to the Straddling Stocks Agreement of 1995; The Law of the Sea Convention and Agenda 21: Marine Environment Implications; The International Legal Regime for Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment from Land-based Sources of Pollution; Port States and Environmental Protection; Liability for Damage to the Marine Environment