Bioengineering is the application of the physical sciences and mathematics to the study of living structures and organisms. This textbook is for final year undergraduates.
Biomechanics of Solids; W. Goldsmith; Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics; L. Talbot; Physiological Fluid Mechanisms; S A Berger; Mass Transfer; M C Williams; Bioheat transfer; T K Eto and B Rubinsky; The Modeling Approach to the Study of Physiological Systems; E L Keller; A Brief Introduction to Network Theory; E R Lewis; Biomaterials; R B Martin; The Interaction of biomaterials and biomechanics; H B Skinner; Locomotion and muscle biomechanics; S J Lehman, R Kram and C T Farley; Principles of Electrophoretic Separations; P D Grossman and D S Soane; Medical Imaging; T F Budinger; Biological Applications of Ionizing Radiation; S Kaplan and H Maccabee; Bioeffects of Nonionizing electromagnetic fields; C S "usskind; Appendix: Linear transformations; Solutions to selected problems; Bibliography; Index; List of contributors; 1: W. Goldsmith: Biomechanics of solids; 2: L. Talbot: Fundamentals of fluid mechanics; 3: S.A. Berger: Physiological fluid mechanics; 4: M.C. Williams: Mass transfer; 5: T.K. Eto and B. Rubinsky: Bioheat transfer; 6: E.L. Keller: The modeling approach to the study of physiological systems; 7: E.R. Lewis: A brief introduction to network theory; 8: R.B. Martin: Biomaterials; 9: H.B. Skinner: The interaction of biomatrials and biomechanics; 10: S.L. Lehman, R. Kram and C.T. Farley: Locomotion and muscle biomechanics; 11: P.D. Grossman and D.S. Soane: Principles of electrophoretic separations; 12: T.F. Budinger: Medical imaging; 13: S. Kaplan and H. Maccabee: Biological applications of ionizing radiation; 14: C. S "usskind: Bioeffects of nonionizing electromagnetic fields; Appendix A: Linear transforms.
"Recommended for [the] early mechanics-and-circuits and systems chapters, which may be sufficiently extensive to serve alone in rather specialized courses. "--Physics Today
"An informative book."--Medical Physics