Okay, so you can tell a pigeon from a seagull but what about a Magpie from a Currawong? Or a native Noisy Miner from an introduced Indian or Common Myna? There are over 750 species of birds in Australia, so it's not surprising that most of us give up trying to know them all. Know Your Birds narrows the field to Australia's best known birds, those you are most likely to see around our towns and cities. Between the pages of this book – no matter where you live in Australia – you will find a great many familiar birds. Each of the 80 entries features a photographic portrait of a well known bird. From these alone you will be able to identify most of the birds that you see. The accompanying text is all about how these birds live: their foibles, habits, social lives and domestic arrangements. You'll be amazed at just how different from one another their lifestyles are.
Louise Egerton completed her BSc in Botany and Zoology at the University of New England while working in Sydney. Following the success of the first edition of Know Your Birds, which won a Whitley's Award for the best beginner's guide, she co-wrote Wildlife of Australia with renowned wildlife photographer, Jiri Lochman in 2009. Today she lives in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales where she is involved in a number of local environmental activities.