Language: Japanese with scientific nomenclature
Learn about moths by comparing them side by side. You might know the name of that moth you're curious about.
Can you spot moths flying into your front door? There are an estimated 7,000 moth species in Japan. The authors here introduce 1,704 species of adult moths on easy-to-understand white background photos, focusing on the types that can be seen around us. By listing a variety of moths in a large book, you can quickly identify which moths belong to each other. As a bonus, 278 species of larvae are also included.
Summary in Japanese:
これで玄関に飛んでくる蛾もわかる?日本で7000種近くいるといわれる蛾の仲間。その中から身近に見られる種類を中心に、1704種類の成虫をわかりやすい白バック写真で紹介。多様な蛾を大判書籍で一覧することで、すばやくどの仲間かわかります。 おまけとして278種の幼虫も掲載。