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Granite forms are exposed over more than 15% of land surfaces, a significance comparable to that of the carbonates. This book examines these forms and comprehensively explains the landforms and landscapes developed on granitic rock, uniquely focusing on granitic terrains rather than karst landscapes.
A detailed examination of the major and minor forms, the book covers both well-known and less familiar large granitic terrains, providing interpretative tools for analyzing and understanding the landscape with a number of useful theories on granite forms. The importance of structure is emphasized, including crystal stresses and the value of etching of subsurface initiation, multi- or two-stage development, neotectonic and solution forms, and some so-called inherited forms and surfaces. Morphogenetic forms are also put into context and compared with similar types of rock.
Preface and acknowledgements IX 1 Characteristics and foundations 1 2 Sheet fractures and structures 27 3 Weathering 49 4 Plains -- the expected granite form 63 5 Boulders as examples of two-stage forms 81 6 Inselbergs and bornhardts 109 7 Other granitic residuals and uplands 153 8 Minor forms developed on steep slopes 173 9 Minor forms developed on gentle slopes 207 10 Caves and tafoni 235 11 Split and cracked blocks and slabs 259 12 Zonality, azonality and the coastal context 293 13 Retrospect and prospect 327
Customer Reviews
Charles Rowland Twidale is presently a Visiting Fellow of the University of Adelaide, South Australia, and Honorary Professor of the University Institute of Geology "Isidro Parga Pondal" of the University of Coruna. Juan Ramon Vidal Romani is specialized in the interpretation of the origin of granitic forms in relation to their geodynamic environment. He is a Professor in Geodynamics at the University of Coruna and Director of the University Institute of Geology, "Isidro Parga Pondal".