Language: French with bilingual abstracts in English and French
Volume 7 contains four contributions:
Le genre Baoetus en Guyane - Description de la femelle Baoetus deucalion (Felder & Felder, 1860) (Lepidoptera; Nymphalidae; Nymphalinae, Coeini) François Bondil:
Current knowledge of the genus Baeotus Hemming, 1939 in French Guiana is presented in this paper. The female of Baeotus deucalion (Felder & Felder, 1860) is described and illustrated for the first time, based on specimens collected in French Guiana.
Le genre Junonia en Guyane - Nouvelles observations et révision systématique (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) Lalita et Christian Brévignon:
Field observation and rearing of Nymphalid butterflies of the genus Junonia in French Guiana lead to the separation of five distinct species where only one variable had been formerly recognized; they are being separated in this article and a new subspecies is described. A set of converging arguments is exposed in the fields of morphology, ecology (host plants, environment), phenology and biology (duration of first stages, lineage, ethology, variability and geographical range) in order to corroborate the separations between species. When informative, the case of the Antillean species of this genus studied by the authors between 1997 and 2007 is evocated.
Complément à l'inventaire des Satyriniae de Guyane (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) Christian Brévignon et Mohamed Benmesbah:
A revision of the inventory of the Satyrinae from French Guiana (Brévignon, 2008) is proposed. Male genitalia are illustrated. Five new species and two new subspecies are described; two new statuses are proposed; seventeen species, new for French Guiana, and nineteen male genitalia absent in the previous inventory are illustrated.
Piégeages en Guyane: nouvelles données (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) Yves Frébourg:
This paper gives the results of butterfly trapping on two sites in French Guiana: a trail near Cayenne (chemin Vidal, September 10-14, 2010) and another trail in the Malgache forest near St-Laurent-du-Maroni (September 24 to October 5, 2010). On the whole. 215 butterflies were collected, namely Prepona laertes, Doxocopa agathina, Callicore cynosura... These results are better than those of 2005, in terms of both abundance and diversity.